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Programa en Turbo Assembler (TASM)


.model small

.stack 100h


TimePrompt db 'Is it after 12 noon (Y/N)?$'

GoodMorningMessage db 13,10, 'Good morning, world!',13,10,'$'

GoodAfternoonMessage db 13,10, 'Good Afternoon, world!',13,10,'$'

DefaultMessage db 13,10, 'Good day, world!',13,10,'$'



mov ax,@data

mov ds,ax ;set DS to point to the data segment

mov dx, offset TimePrompt ;point to the time prompt

mov ah,9 ;DOS: print string

int 21h ;display the time prompt

mov ah,1 ;DOS: get character

int 21h ;get a single-character response

or al,20h ;force character to lower case

cmp al,'y' ;typed Y for afternoon?

je IsAfternoon

cmp al,'n' ;typed N for morning?

je IsMorning

mov dx, offset DefaultMessage ;default greeting

jmp DisplayGreeting


mov dx,offset GoodAfternoonMessage ;afternoon greeting

jmp DisplayGreeting


mov dx,offset GoodMorningMessage ;before noon greeting


mov ah,9 ;DOS: print string

int 21h ;display the appropriate greeting

mov ah,4ch ;DOS: terminate program

mov al,0 ;return code will be 0

int 21h ;terminate the program

END start

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